What is a protocol? It is a procedure, a code of behavior, a way of doing things. We all have them, either individually or as an organization, even if they aren't purposeful or identified. Our collective protocols add up to our culture (our way of life / lifestyle). What Fred and I have done is identified 10 protocols we believe point both individuals and organizations in the direction of a credible and sustainable culture. Personally, I like being known as someone who lives her values and uses them to make life decisions. I also believe we'd all appreciate corporations and organizations to do the same - live by their stated values.
These 10 Power Protocols are just that, ways to live from your values. Each protocol has embedded within it such values as honesty, integrity, responsibility, service, fun, adaptability, and ingenuity to name a few. Our protocols are ways to put into practice those values. We believe that great ideas without application are simply philosophy. So join us in exploring these 10 protocols both personally and within an organizational culture. They work for relationships, parenting, leadership, organizational communication, recovery from addictions, and personal growth.
The first protocol we will be discussing is Design Your Outcome.
Thanks for joining us
The Coaching Biz
Marti Woodward
(719) 930-0623 cell
(719) 575-9191 office